FEC Nashwaaksis Middle School > Teachers > Posts > Whalen's PIF, FILA, Sc.Hum.-6FGHI
October 27
Whalen's PIF, FILA, Sc.Hum.-6FGHI

6g-Sc.Hum. Atlas Study due on Monday.We will not be working on them in class tomorrow. Students had two periods to consult the maps and atlases available in my classroom.​ Most of the students need only colour their maps. If your child has not yet indentified the 10 provinces, 3 territories , capital of Canada, capitals of the four atlantic provinces, Pacific and Atlanic oceans, and the Baie de Hudson, then they need to better manage their time in class.

6I-PIF- We will be examining the Canadien Food Guide. Please remind your child to come to class prepared with all materials.

6FGH-We are examining biographies in particular those of Gisele Lalonde, Louise Arbour and Muhammad Yunus. These are all people who have contributed to equality in a major way.


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