FEC Nashwaaksis Middle School > Teachers > Posts > FILA 8E,8F,8H and 8I
March 29
FILA 8E,8F,8H and 8I

​March is " Mois de la Francophonie" , so we have taken the month to do an in class assignment on a country who is a member of the Organization Internationale de la Francophonie. I am hoping this project allows them the oppurtunity to appreciate French culture and see its importance in their world. 

Students were placed in groups and chose a country. This assignment was done in class. Students had access to Ipads for research purposes for 5 classes and then headed to the computer lab for 5 classes to work on the Powerpoint presentation. Each group was given a handout outlining the expecations of the assignment. This project is due Thursday April 1st. 


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