FEC Nashwaaksis Memorial School > Teachers > Posts > Family Fun #3
April 23
Family Fun #3

​After a long day of work for both child and parent(s)/guardian(s), relaxing on the sofa in front of the television can seem like a very relaxing and needed opportunity to catch your breath. But beware, sitting for long periods of time not only affects health, motivation, and brain functioning, but it can also disconnect you from spending quality time together as a family!

Every 7-10 minutes, during TV commercials, try getting off the couch and challenge your child to silly exercises! Pokemon Planks, Cartoon Crab Walk high-fives, and Bob the 'muscle' builder Burpees are some examples of adding some activity to your evening. Keep count of repetitions and see if you and your child can perform more repetitions during the next commercial break!


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