WEC Nackawic High School > School News > Posts > Winter Camp Program for Chinese Students
December 07
Winter Camp Program for Chinese Students

Each year the Province of New Brunswick and Atlantic Education International organize the Winter Camp Program, which sees 135 students and 15 chaperones from China come to New Brunswick for one week with the purpose of practicing their English skills, experiencing the Canadian Education system, and experiencing Canadian family life, values and culture. It also provides New Brunswick students with an opportunity to interact with and learn the culture of students from other parts of the world. Nackawic High School would love the opportunity to host some of these students and a chaperone for the week. Chinese students would attend classes with their host students during school days, and will take part in activities such as skating, skiing, sledding, hockey and much more during evenings and days off school. The costs of these and other activities would be covered under the program. We are seeking families who would be willing to welcome Chinese students or a chaperone into their home for one week, from January 28th to February 4th.  If you would be interested in this opportunity, or if you would like more information, please contact Mr. Newlands.


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