WEC Nackawic High School > School News > Posts > Nighthawks of the Month for March 2018
April 17
Nighthawks of the Month for March 2018

Denika Mean-Grant – Nighthawk of the Month for Dedication​

This award is presented in recognition of your dedication at Nackawic High School. You work consistently and diligently. You are always polite and on task in class each day. You come to class prepared and ready to work. You take pride in your work and strive to do your best in everything you do. Your hard work in your academics is reflected in your grades. You are also a silent leader in the class. Others look to you for guidance and you gracefully oblige them when asked. Others in the class are consistently looking to you as a peer helper. You are a role model to all students. Congratulations on being selected Nighthawk of the Month for March, 2018.​

Friederike Spork – Nighthawk of the Month for Positive Attitude and Involvement​​

This award is presented in recognition of your positive attitude and involvement at Nackawic High School. You have been a welcome addition to the NHS community this year. You can always be seen smiling anywhere, anytime around the school. You have become very involved in school activities, currently participating in TADD, Best Buddies, Student Leadership Group, Unified Basketball and Rugby. You also excel academically despite having to complete all of your studies in your second and third languages. You are a role model to all students. Congratulations on being selected Nighthawk of the Month for March, 2018.​

Jack Van Oord – Nighthawk of the Month for Leadership

This award is presented in recognition of your Leadership at Nackawic High School. If a teacher or group needs to have something done at Nackawic High School, you are the go-to guy. You are very involved in Student Leadership Group, playing a leading role in setting up and running technology at all assemblies. You are also a dedicated member of Reach for the Top, setting up and tearing down for each practice and participating in all tournaments. You are also a committed member of the Rugby team this spring. You were also recently selected to attend a mock legislature weekend in Fredericton. You are a role model to all students. Congratulations on being selected Nighthawk of the Month for March, 2018.​

Madison Hanson – Nighthawk of the Month for Kindness and Citizenship

This award is presented in recognition of your kindness and positive attitude at Nackawic High School. You are always extremely helpful in class and after class. A smile on your face and a welcoming hello always brighten the days of students and teachers in your classes. Your positive attitude and approachable personality add to the positive learning environment at NHS. You are a role model to all students. Congratulations on being selected Nighthawk of the Month for March, 2018.​

Olivia Gould - Nighthawk of the Month for Academic Achievement and Positive Attitude

This award is presented in recognition of your academic achievement and positive attitude at Nackawic High School. You are an exceptional student, among the best writers in grade 9. You take great care in making sure that you complete all work to the highest quality possible. You excel in all of your courses academically. You are delightful to be around, fun to talk to, you have a great sense of humor and can be found smiling most of the school day. You are extremely kind to all of your classmates and you are a positive influence on the class. You are also involved with SLG and Best Buddies and outside of school, you are involved in fencing. You are a role model to all students. Congratulations on being selected Nighthawk of the Month for March, 2018.​


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