WEC Nackawic High School > Guidance > Posts > Big Sibs Program at Woodstock High School
January 18
Big Sibs Program at Woodstock High School


This past year, a student developed and launched a program based around welcoming grade nine students into the high school. This program called the Big Sibs program, is an initiative that pairs incoming grade nine students with outstanding grade twelve students. The aim of the program is to provide the incoming grade nines with mentorship and a student resource that will aid them in navigating the often challenging transition to high school. Essentially, it gives them a friendly face in the hallway that they recognize and can receive help from if necessary, which makes the transition less stressful. Our goal was to positively influence even one incoming grade nine student, however, it surpassed our expectations. It helped several grade nine students and changed the overall atmosphere of our school.

Since this program was such a success in our schools we would like to extend an invitation for your schools to become part of the Big Sib community. On February 3rd we will be offering a day-long conference providing your school with all the necessities to implement this program in your own schools.

If you have any questions and would like to be involved please see your Guidance Counsellor, Mr Gallop by January 19th. Thank you for your time and consideration.



Tim Wright, Guidance

Woodstock High School


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