WEC Nackawic High School > Guidance > Posts > Kings Landing Visiting Cousins
February 19
Kings Landing Visiting Cousins

The Kings Landing Foundation Inc. (KLF Inc.) exists to provide funding and sustainable support, above current provincial contribution, to the Kings Landing Historical Settlement. As such, the Foundation sponsors programs such as Visiting Cousins by providing bursaries for qualifying New Brunswick students to attend summer camp at Kings Landing.

Visiting Cousins Program Overview

The VC program operates seven weeks through the summer school break. During their stay, visiting cousins act as visiting relatives to Kings Landing families. They dress in period costume and participate in as many 19th century activities as possible, associated with one of the historic homes in the village. Necessary life skills are practiced, including cooking, butter making, needlepoint, wool processing and working with the blacksmith, carpenter and farmer. Participants also attend the 1840 one-room schoolhouse each day. Their day starts early with structured activities before they enter the historical settlement. In the evening they participate in games, songs and drama.

The VC summer camps are very popular. KLF Inc. is very pleased to be able to provide bursaries so that fourteen children can participate in this fun and educational life experience. Each VC Bursary has a $500 non-monetary value.

WHAT:  Bursaries available for ASD-W students

WHO:  Students aged 9-14

WHEN:  Applications are due by March 27, 2020

WHERE:  send applications to 2020visitingcousins@gmail.com

2020 VC Cousins Bursary Program Details.docx2020 VC Cousins Bursary Program Details.docx





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