FEC Keswick Ridge School > Teachers > Posts > Updates from 7/8 Morris
October 13
Updates from 7/8 Morris

​Hello Parents! We are working on a few things in LA, Social Studies, and French.  We are starting book talks on Tuesday, October 17th, assignment and rubric are attached.  We are also about half way through the Global Read Aloud program, we are reading "A Long Walk to Water" by Linda Sue Park.  Check out our Padlet link, where students have been collaborating with students at a school in Virginia! 



In Social Studies, we are moving into an on-going project about Active Citizenship.  Students are researching the various public service groups in and around the area, and are starting to think about what are some causes that are important to them.  In the week to come, students will make a plan of what they can do to help their school, community and even the world.  More to come later.

Thanks so much for your continued support.


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