FEC Keswick Ridge School > Teachers > Posts > Welcome - 3 weeks late
September 20
Welcome - 3 weeks late

Hello parents of 7/8 Morris! I apologize for the delay in sending out a message - things have been busy, to say the least.  

Just a few updates:

We are on Twitter! I am trying to post something positive going on at the middle level every day that I'm here (I'm not here on Mondays).  Follow us @KRSRaiders678

Language Arts - All students should have a book to read in class and for SSR by now.  I have a good size collection of books in my classroom, but students are encouraged to bring a book from home.  We are focusing on writing Fantasy, and students have been working in pairs and individually to write fantasy stories.  The creativity of these students is truly astounding!

Social Studies - We have been talking about making decisions and being an active citizen.  More to come.

French - We are getting into a unit called "Un camp pour ados" (Teen camp), more to come on that as well.

Book orders - I am looking after the scholastic book orders for 6-8 this year.  I sent the flyers home yesterday, if you'd like to buy some books, please send in the form and cash by September 29.

And that's about it for now.  I'll try my best to keep parents up to date on what's going on at school, and please don't hesitate to email me if you have any questions/comments/concerns.



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