FEC George Street Middle School > Teachers > Posts > 6A2 (Marks) Homework (Math, Science, Homeroom) - Friday, May 28th, 2021
May 28
6A2 (Marks) Homework (Math, Science, Homeroom) - Friday, May 28th, 2021

​Math - MS Teams assignment on improper fractions and mixed numbers is due tonight at 8pm.

Science - Today we built straw planes to help learn about how different parts of a plane control its movement. We will continue with this next week.

6A2 has outdoor Phys. Ed. on Monday, May 31st. Students should come dressed appropriately for the weather and have a water bottle.

We have our second SPARK session on Tuesday, June 1st. A reminder that students should have closed toe shoes and come dressed appropriately for the weather as we will be playing soccer baseball outdoors. All SPARK fees are due on June 1st. Cost is $5.50 per student and can be paid via School Cash Online or by sending cash or cheque to the school.

A reminder to bring in non-perishable food items for the Fredericton Food Bank as part of our class Renaissance goal.


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