FEC George Street Middle School > Teachers > Posts > 6A2 (Marks) Homework (Math, Science, Homeroom) - Wednesday, April 21st, 2021
April 21
6A2 (Marks) Homework (Math, Science, Homeroom) - Wednesday, April 21st, 2021

​Math - There will be a quiz on large numbers on Monday, April 26th. Quiz outline is attached. Description de Quiz Sur Les Grands Nombres 2021.pdfDescription de Quiz Sur Les Grands Nombres 2021.pdf Students completed a Pre-Quiz in class today. Notes and review stations will be posted in the ClassNotebook on MS Teams. Here are some games that can help students to practice at home:

Nombres en chiffres - Dictée de nombres cycle cp à cm2 (logicieleducatif.fr)

Nombres en lettres (logicieleducatif.fr)

Nom des chiffres dans les nombres (logicieleducatif.fr)

Science - We continued to learn about how the positions of the Earth and the Sun in space cause the seasons today. Notes will be posted in the ClassNotebook on MS Teams.

6A2 has outdoor options tomorrow (Thursday). Students should come to school dressed appropriately for the weather as we will be going outside for 25 minutes.

6A2 has indoor Phys. Ed. on Monday, April 26th. Students should come dressed in comfortable clothing and have indoor shoes and a water bottle.


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