FEC George Street Middle School > Teachers > Posts > 6A2 (Marks) Homeroom, Math, Science - Monday, November 30th, 2020
November 30
6A2 (Marks) Homeroom, Math, Science - Monday, November 30th, 2020

Math - There will be a quiz on decimal division on Monday, December 7th. We will be completing several review activities in class this week. All notes and worksheets can be found in the ClassNotebook on MS Teams. Quiz outline is attached. Quiz Description - Decimal Division 2020.pdfQuiz Description - Decimal Division 2020.pdf

Science - We will be completing the Paper Towel Experiment in class this week. 

6A2 has Phys. Ed. on Wednesday, December 2nd. Please come dressed appropriately for physical activity.

There is no school for students on Friday, December 4th due to Parent-Teacher interviews.

A reminder that audition videos for the Christmas assembly are due tomorrow Tuesday, December 1st. Instructions on how to submit your video can be found on the GSMS website.


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