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November 09
7A Math

​Students are reviewing double digit multiplication without decimals and then with decimals.  We are preparing for our Geometry Unit (Shape and Space strand).  This unit will begin with a review of perimeter and area of rectangles before moving on to other shapes including triangles and circles.

Assignments are found on Teams. (paper copies handed out in class)

Be sure to practice your times tables up to 12x12.  Knowing these are very important if you want to be able to complete your assignments in a timely manner.

November 09
7A Language Arts

​Students were given a list of all outstanding work today.  Please be sure to hand this in by Friday.  (Case Report for EW3 plus Journal Entries)  See Teams Assignments for additional details.

November 09
7A, 7B, 7C Social Studies

​Social Studies Assessment ~ Wednesday, Nov 18

  • Empowerment & Disempowerment - What are they and examples
  • Personal Empowerment - what is it and examples
  • Types of Empowerment and basic examples
  • Economic Empowerment
    • First Nations
    • Newcomers
Open book assessment (notes and textbook allowed).  Heavy emphasis on applying what we have learned.  
All notes available on MS Teams under the Class Notebook tab in the Content Library
**MS Teams and paper/pencil options available

September 30
Mrs. Lingley's Science - Biome Website for class
September 14
7A, 7B & 7C Social Studies

Due next SS class

​List 5 examples of empowerment - be sure to explain how you or someone else is empowered by this.

You can choose to do this on paper or log into the Social Studies Team for your class and share your answer list there..

September 11
Friday, Sept.  11

​For Monday,

Have binder or binders ready for learning. 

Option 1 ~ using a binder for each subject area then you will need the following:

  • LA (3 dividers -  Reading, Writing, Notes) 
  • Math (3 dividers - Practice, Notes, Quick Checks
  • Health and Social Studies can go in the same binder
  • French 

Option 2 ~  using a single binder for all subjects be sure to have dividers for the following:

  • French
  • LA - Reading
  • LA - Writing
  • LA - Notes
  • Math - Practice
  • Math - Notes
  • Math - Quick Notes
  • Health
  • Social Studies

If you forgot to bring in your forms today, be sure to bring them in on Monday.

September 10
Welcome to the 2020-21 School Year

​Students have two things to complete for Friday, Sept. 11th.

  • ​Yellow and Blue Sheets
    • ​Blue Sheet - parents read and correct information on the Blue sheet
    • Yellow sheet - Read, check the appropriate boxes, parents sign
  • Students sign into MS Office and then select Teams from the "waffle" 
    • Leave a message on Teams - tell me one boring thing about yourself
    • ​Link to MS Office (​)  - if you have any problems, please talk to me on Friday
First PE class will be on Monday so don't forget your indoor sneakers.

May 24
7FI Science - 7E, 7F, 7G, 7H, 7I

May 25-29

Weekly focus: Observation and Recording Skills à  Connecting to space

This week choose to widen the space around you, notice and understand the space you are in (physical space and ‘headspace’), explore ideas about outer space and finally, hold space for yourself and for others

Élargir l’espace autour de toi/Widen the space around you à Peux-tu voir le nouveau-brunswick?/Can you spot New Brunswick?

​Note et comprends l’espace ou que tu te trouves/Notice and understand the space you are in à

Explore les idées de l’espace/Explore ideas about outer space

Agence spatiale Canadienne à EXPLORE LE SITE!!!

Hold space for yourself à Carve out time for YOU and keep a positive mindset by expressing daily gratitude for the life and health we have, the friendships, the family, etc. with journal writing. Show your creativity and use images and colour to enhance your journaling experience

Hold space for others à Give your time and your attention to someone who needs us. A friend, a parent, a younger sibling. Lend an understanding ear and help someone feel heard and supported

May 18
7FI Science - 7E, 7F, 7G, 7H, 7I

May 19-22

Weekly focus: Observation and Recording Skills: Connecting to Nature

Happy Victoria Day Long Weekend!   Joyeuse longue fin de semaine tout le monde!

WELLNESS: KEEP PRACTICING YOUR BREATHING! Being mindful about how we feel during our day is important so that we can best help ourselves in feeling well. Get outside if you feel a bit blue; or go for a brisk walk if you feel a burst of energy; or if you feel tired or unsure, being gentle with yourself.  Taking breaks and having empathy for others can also help us to keep our emotional health in check while being mindful of others. So … Breathe in, pause, breathe out, very slowly, letting it go twice as slowly as you inhaled. Try this a few times. Then let your natural breath take over and rest in easeful peace and quiet for many times in your day – and feel more ready to get on with your day 😊   

Stay well, mes amis <3

-Mme W.

“One, remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Two, never give up work. Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it. Three, if you are lucky enough to find love, remember it is there and don't throw it away.” ― Stephen Hawking.​

May 13
7FI Science - 7E, 7F, 7G, 7H, 7I

Sciences (Mme Whalen):

Weekly focus: STEAM Activities (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math)

·         Youth Science Canada is launching an online STEM event.  Let your creativity run wild and share innovative ideas with the world remotely à

·         Not sure what to do? Need an idea? à  Brainstorm Here!

·         Once you have a MAIN IDEA à ASK à What is a question that you can pose about this idea? Maybe try to get 2-3 questions going and then decide on one. THIS is your research question that you will aim to answer or explain in your work

·         If you are STILL stuck for an idea, maybe contemplate our biggest, collective challenge right now à Think about and share how or what you may change to help our communities, our climate and environment, or ourselves due to the pandemic we are all experiencing

·         A new way to help in this new world? Read about this Robotic Dog who has joined the fight against COVID-19

·         Enrichment Activities: 

à  Making and Using a Field Journal

à  Making and Using a Scientific Experiment Journal

à  It’s Never Too Early to Think and Communicate Like a Scientist​

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