FEC Bliss Carman Middle School > Teachers > Posts > MJs Math
January 30
MJs Math

​Hello amazing parents and students!

I have uploaded a resource on fractions and decimals.  The students will be introduced to a Pixel Art project which will be due on Tuesday February 26th by 3pm.  Although it will be reviewed in class, I have a Ppt with examples and the sheet used to complete the assignment in my documents (Art des fractions).  I will be giving 3-4 periods of classtime to work on this. 


This project is fun, creative and relaxing and is a hit with students each year.  They may use a calculator to complete the conversions and choose the size of graph paper they are going to use. This is not just an exercise in Math BUT also in planning and organizing--don`t take on too much but challenge yourself, we all walk that line in our daily lives and it`s good practice to know your limits:  how much time do you have? what are you  able to accomplish well with what you`ve  chosen etc).

Have a gander at Pixel Art online and we can all have a chin-wag about it after the project is presented to you on Friday.

:) MJ


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