FEC Bliss Carman Middle School > Teachers > Posts > MJs and M. Church’s Math 8FI all classes -Exam rescheduled to Wednesday January 30
January 25
MJs and M. Church’s Math 8FI all classes -Exam rescheduled to Wednesday January 30

Bon matin amazing students and awesome parents! 

The exam scheduled for Tuesday Jan 29 has been rescheduled for Wednesday Jan 30 for all classes-E,F,G,H and I.  We will miss a review today due to weather closure and would like to have the opportunity for all students to be able to receive extra help if needed on Tuesday during class and at lunch. Have a safe weekend! Help your parents sort out the driveway and yard! Pitch in! We had quite a whallop of snow and rain this week!

Review materials and list for exam are still under documents in the tool bar at the top of my page. (MJ).  There is alot there and are organized by date so have a gander. Last year`s Power Points etc are all still relevant as well.  If you choose to look at last year`s exam examples/practices there are some questions that are NOT relevant to this years, so cross-check the list of topics posted this week which are the ones that will be tested in this year`s exam. 

A hint for the exam this year is that ONE of the bonus questions (advanced) will entail negative fractions and PEDMAS.  This was not explicitly taught during class time  (but was referred to). Do some research online and we are available for some questions at lunchtime on Tuesday.  Hint: you need to look at rules for fractions AND negatives. Happy researching!  We are trying to encourage you empower yourself by looking at this on your own.and trying it out:)  YOU can do it!

Look under websites and peruse for practice. Mathletics is also another option if you have your password handy. 

No school for students on Monday as it is a PL day for teachers. Please email us if you have any questions! 

Bon matin!  Étudier et réviser!  :) 

MJ and M. Church


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