FEC Bliss Carman Middle School > Teachers > Posts > MJs Math
January 29
MJs Math

​Today the students wrote either the first part or both parts of the exam.  This has been a good lesson in preparing and practice.   After I have corrected the exams, the students will all have a chance to correct their mistakes and make up work for the sections they did not understand very well.  They will recieve two marks. One for the first try at both sections and another for the the effort they put in correcting their mistakes and showing they understand the concepts. 

The real value in this exam excercise was:  to learn how to prepare, to know what you don`t know, to try and find help for yourself without being teacher encouraged and of course, to write a review test...because this is what it is. Just a review:)

I will hand them back next Monday and Tuesday:)

We are starting square roots this week.  Please make sure you have a calculator with you in class.  I have posted a Ppt called Les Carées Parfaits under documents. Please check it out. 


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