FEC Bliss Carman Middle School > Teachers > Posts > FI EXAM-Monday and Tuesday next week
January 25
FI EXAM-Monday and Tuesday next week

​Hellp all,


I sent home a school connects but thought I should also update here.  I have been hit with a virus that doesn`t seem to want to let go. Despite my best efforts to get well, I will be absent today and tomorrow.  That being said, I would like to be there to administer the exam so that the students feel confident and comfortable with my questions and exam routine as it`s their first one. I am so sorry to have to reschedule again as I know the students have been preparing.

8E,G and H: Monday part one, Tuesday part two

8F: Monday parts one and two


If you have any questions or if the students need any help please email me.

:) MJ


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