FEC Bliss Carman Middle School > Teachers > Posts > 7ABC STEAM Update
December 08

Students who handed in their Outline #1 have now received it with comments to consider when creating good copies. Outline #2 (observations and conclusion) is due on December 20th so it is extremely important that all students conduct their experiments this weekend if they have not done so already.

Students are completing these outlines as a rough copy for the final report that they will put together as a good copy to submit in January. While students have multiple options for style of presentation (tri-fold board, poster board, powerpoint, video), all students must submit a paper copy of their combined final report with proper headings using the Scientific Method.

Experiment Outline Part 1 (4).docExperiment Outline Part 1 (4).doc   Experiment Outline Part 2 (4).docExperiment Outline Part 2 (4).doc

Thank you,

Mrs. Lingley​


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