FEC Bliss Carman Middle School > Teachers > Posts > MJs Math Sept 22
September 22
MJs Math Sept 22

​Hello amazing students and parents,

This week we had our first quiz on divis rules, factors, prime and composite numbers and some intro to powers.  The quiz will be returned on Monday and you will all have a chance to correct your mistakes and show me that you understand in order to bring your mark up!   The resources for the test were found here under documents and you were given class time as well to practice.  Next time make sure to practice prior to the quiz and make sure you feel confident!!!!

Your assignment `Probs1`is due on Tuesday Sept 26 which is a half day PD day so if your class is in the afty you will have to pass it in the following day by 3pm.  You CAN obviously pass it in early if you would like to! :)

Have a great weekend!



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