FEC Bliss Carman Middle School > Teachers > Posts > MJ`s Math 7 & 8 FI-Pixel due and two new Ppts, basic quiz on probability on Thursday
February 27
MJ`s Math 7 & 8 FI-Pixel due and two new Ppts, basic quiz on probability on Thursday

Hi everyone!


Just a reminder that Pixel were due today and there are still many not handed in.  Please get these in ASAP.


This week we are looking at probability: 

  • la probabilité théorique (mathématiques)-lancer un dé et le résultat est 5= 1/6​
  • la probabilité expérimentale (fait une expérience et note tes résultats!)
  • la proabilité subjective:  (Je pense que les Maple Leafs vont gagner le Coupe Stanley cette anneé..Hmmmmm)
  • aléatoire: au hasard
  • Calculer la probabilité de plusieurs évenements indépendents ex:  rouler un 6 et lancer face sur une piece d`argent.  1/6 x 1/2 = 1/12 (8eme)
  • Une évenement certaine et imporssible

We will have a short basic quiz on probability on Thursday March 2: 

  • vocab, representing data for probability (fraction, decimal and percent) calculating the probability of independent events (7s will be required to identify an independent event)

We will also be reviewing/learning:

  • Tendence Centrale: moyenne, mediane, mode, donné abéherrant et l`étendue.  On utilise ces concepts quand on organise les donnés.

I have posted TWO Ppts: La probabilité  et  La tendence centrale.  PLease review these. 


I will not be assigning homework over the break BUT you should be confident in what we have worked on prior. 

HAPPY rest of week:)



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