FEC Bliss Carman Middle School > Teachers > Posts > MJ`s 7 & 8 Math
December 09
MJ`s 7 & 8 Math

​Hello amazing students and parents,

Just an update on the week and some info on the January exam:

You have all written the square root test with M. Matte and it will be returned next week.  You may bring it home to show your folks but make sure to hang onto it or put it in your folder to prepare for your exam. 

For this exam, the topics are: 

  • Mental Math-strategies and calculations (7s and 8s)
  • Divisibility rules (7s and 8s)
  • Square roots-vocabulary, identiying perfect and imperfect squares, estimating imperfect square roots to two places after the decimal (grade 8s only; 7s estimate to one place after the decimal)
  • Area and Perimeter
  • Pythagoras` Thereom-determine mesurement of hypotenuse (7s and 8s); determine mesurement of any missing side of a right angle triangle (8s); Word Problems (7s and 8s); Identifying triangles (7s and 8s)
  • *Fractions-adding, subtracting,  (7s and 8s) multiplying and dividing. (8s) (will be taught and reviewed in January)
  • *Conversion from fraction to decimal to percent (7s and 8s)-will be taught and reviewed in January.
  • *Calculating a percentage of a number  (will be taught and reviewed in January)
       **If these concepts are not thoroughly taught or practiced prior to the exam they will appear on the June exam instead.

Please refer to the previous post for Exam dates.

We will be doing a review week on January 16-20:
  • ​Test taking strategies
  • Review
  • Practice

Just a reminder that I have extra help on Monday`s at 12:25.  If you need to come in please bring with you: materials and specific questions (you need to be able to identify what you are finding challenging).

Have a great weekend!
:) MJ and M. Matte


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