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April 23
This week in 1FI Frenette!

Dear families,

A few reminders for this week:

If your child brought home a guided reading book Monday, they should have brought it back Friday. I still have a few books not brought back from last week.

In French we are continuing to work on nature and what we see outside. This will go along with our You and Your World curriculum.

In math we are continuing to work on subtraction. We are working on what is missing. For example 7 + ____ = 10  or 10 - _____ = 7. We are covering some of our manipulatives to have students figure out what is the missing number.

Tomorrow, Tuesday, April 24th, students will be dismissed at 11:30.

Wednesday, April 25th, Team meeting on Social Intelligence.

Thursday, April 26th, Hot lunch orders for May due. Jump rope for heart sheets due.

Friday, April 27th, Book orders due. Please pay by cheque or online only.


Have a great week!


Mme Frenette

March 26
This week in 1FI Frenette!

Dear families,

Here are a few reminders for this (short) week

Tuesday – No School for students – Full Day PD for teachers

Thursday – DECH Class fieldtrip – Please ensure students are at school on time as the buses will be leaving around 8:30. Team meeting on Zest

Friday – March 30th, No school – Good Friday

Monday – April 2nd, no school – Easter Monday

Devon Middle School is raising money for the radiothon and  is challenging Barkers Point Elementary School to do the same! We will be creating baskets per grade level and will sell raffle tickets. The money raised will go towards the new youth mental health unit at the Dr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital. Our grade 1 classes is collecting CRAFT items: pipe cleaners, googley eyes, glue, glitter, construction paper, makers, colouring books, stickers, etc. It is due before April 6th. I have already added a few items to our box in our classroom and hope to see more. It is a GREAT cause!

In literacy we are still working on our Health unit and are focusing on how students stay healthy in all ways (exercising, eating good foods, getting enough sleep, brushing our teeth, etc.) We are learning MANY new words in French!

In math we are finishing up our addition unit and will be beginning subtraction next week!

Have a great week!


Mme Frenette​

March 19
Weekly update

Hello everyone, 

Tomorrow is the first day of spring! Let's hope that we see some signs of spring soon! We enjoyed a musical presentation today by some members of Symphony NB. 

Tomorrow in their communication bags, there will be a sheet of lots of questions that you can practice at home, with the answers under each question. These are not all theme specific, some we have been working on since the fall and some are newer. You can keep this page at home and whenever you have a few minutes can ask your child some of these and they are supposed to answer in full sentences. 

Some outcomes in math that we have covered this term are:
Counting by 1s to 50 in French forwards and backwards, recognizing at a glance, and name familiar arrangement (subitizing)This is a great youtube video that we have used in class to work on this. The students should be able to quickly say the number represented on the video in French. There is a slower version as well.
Students should be able to count to 20 by 2s orally, and by 10s to 100. We have also been working on estimating quantities using a referent. We are working on addition up to 12, we work on doubles addition, "les amis de 10", what makes 10, and are introducing the corresponding subtraction facts. 

Hot lunch orders are due on Thursday. 
There is no school Tuesday, March 27th,  March 30th or April 2nd. 

Thank you for your support, 
Mme Greenwell

March 19
This week in 1FI Frenette!

Dear families,

This week in 1FI Frenette

French – We are working on what we eat for snack and breakfast. Our practiced language structure is “Qu’est-ce que tu manges pour la collation” “Je mange __________ pour la collation” and “Qu’est-ce que tu manges pour déjeuner? » « Je mange ___________ pour déjeuner. »

In Math we are continuing to work on estimation and are using small referents of 5 or 10 to make good guesses. We are also discussing what makes a good guess vs a not so good guess.

You will also notice that students will be bringing home a tiny notebook. This notebook is to help students with their sounds/reading. We will be using these daily in class and they will be brought home each night. Please help to make sure students bring them to class daily. J

We have also started a new French speaking reward system. Students receive beads for speaking French in class. Each 10th bead is special and there will be rewards based on 10th, 20th, 30th etc beads. This helps to keep students motivated and add an extra fun element to the daily classroom routine. When a student fills up their pipe cleaner bracelets with beads they will bring their bracelet home and start a new one at school.

Hot lunch orders are due Thursday.

There is no school on the 27th or the 30th.

Have a great week!

Mme Frenette​

January 22
Weekly update

This week we will continue learning about locations around Fredericton and how to describe where we live. 

In math, we are working on comparing groups of objects and beginning to add numbers together. 
Please take some time to review our words this week. 

Important Dates: 
Tuesday, January 23rd - Hat Day $1.00 
Thursday, January 25 - Hot lunch orders due / Zumba at lunch $2.00
February 6 & February 20 - We will be going skating on these dates. 
If your child does not have a pair of skates to use, please contact me as soon as possible with their size. 
I am sending home a permission slip for skating today, please return it as soon as possible. 

Thank you, 
Mme Greenwell

December 19
This week in 1FI Frenette!

Dear families,

Here are just a few reminders for this last week:

Today was our gingerbread house making party. The kids had such a fun time and it was such a great time to see their creativity!

Wednesday is Christmas sweater day.

Thursday’s Christmas party is being moved to Friday as we have been invited to see the grade 3 class’s theater production! There whole school will be watching the Christmas concert together as we missed out on this on the snow day last week. Christmas hot lunch will also begin at 11:30 for K-2. If you are coming to eat with your child, I would ask that you come to the classroom door to get them so that I know where they are. I will have a signout next to the door if you wish to take them home after lunch. Students not having hot lunch will have lunch at the regular 12pm time.

Friday is our class PJ Polar Express party. If you have volunteered to bring snacks, please ensure that they are here for Friday. It is also a half day for students. They will be dismissed at 11am.

I would like to thank you so much for all of your support and kind donations so far this year. It has helped make our classroom parties, activities, and learning so much better! I wish you all a Happy Holidays and a joyous New Year.


Mme Frenette​

December 12
This week in 1FI Frenette!

Dear families,

Check my weekly email for more details!

December 13th – Concert Rehearsal
December 14th – Holiday Cheer Concert – 9 am and 11am
December 15th – Art Richard – Christmas musical
December 18th – Storm date for Holiday Cheer concert
December 19th – Hot lunch orders due for January and Gingerbread houses in class
December 21st – Class Polar Express PJ party
December 22nd – Last day/half day for students
January 8th – First day back for students​

Have a great week!

Mme Frenette​

December 04
December Update!

Hello everyone, 

I can't believe that December is already here! We have a fun-filled, busy month ahead. 

Important dates:
December 7th: Sock Hop ($2.00)
December 14th: Holiday Cheer Concert at 9:00am and 11:00am. 
December 15th: Art Richard Christmas Musical
December 18th: Storm Date for the Concert 
December 19th: Hot Lunch orders due for January and Mini Gingerbread houses with our class. 
December 21st: Polar Express PJ Christmas Class Party
December 22nd: Last day, half day for students! Merry Christmas and have a wonderful Holiday Season
January 8th: First Day Back for Students​

Please check the email for more details! 
Mme Greenwell
December 04
This week in 1FI Frenette!

Dear families,

Here is an update for the next few weeks – It’s a jam-packed one! I can’t believe the Concert is a week away! Only 21 days until Christmas!

Important dates:

December 7th – Soc hop – 2$

December 14th – Holiday Cheer Concert – 9 am and 11am

December 15th – Art Richard – Christmas musical

December 18th – Storm date for Holiday Cheer concert

December 19th – Hot lunch orders due for January and Gingerbread houses in class

December 21st – Class Polar Express PJ party

December 22nd – Last day/half day for students

January 8th – First day back for students​

Check my weekly email for more details!

Have a great week!

Mme Frenette

November 27
This week in 1FI Frenette!

Dear families,

Here are a few notes for this week:

Monday:  Scholastic book orders sent home today. I must have the order form by this Friday latest to be in before Christmas. 

Wednesday is Career Day. Students are invited to dress up in costume for what they would like to be when they are older.

Our Christmas song has changed and is now Ma tuque de Noël by Art Richard.

Please have students wear their colour team t-shirts on Friday for the Ring a Bell campaign as our school has been chosen to represent the campaign this year and there will be many special guests as well as media crews.

I will be sending home an order form for new t-shirts if the colour t-shirt has been lost or is too small. 

IF you ordered electronic pictures from picture day from Harvey's and have not received them yet, please contact Harvey's directly.​

Friday, December 1st - Ring a Bell Campaign/Celebration for Mental Health.


6:00-8:00 Movie Night for those who have signed up.​

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