FEC Barkers Point School > Teachers > Posts > Weekly update
March 19
Weekly update

Hello everyone, 

Tomorrow is the first day of spring! Let's hope that we see some signs of spring soon! We enjoyed a musical presentation today by some members of Symphony NB. 

Tomorrow in their communication bags, there will be a sheet of lots of questions that you can practice at home, with the answers under each question. These are not all theme specific, some we have been working on since the fall and some are newer. You can keep this page at home and whenever you have a few minutes can ask your child some of these and they are supposed to answer in full sentences. 

Some outcomes in math that we have covered this term are:
Counting by 1s to 50 in French forwards and backwards, recognizing at a glance, and name familiar arrangement (subitizing)This is a great youtube video that we have used in class to work on this. The students should be able to quickly say the number represented on the video in French. There is a slower version as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Yqli14ITv0
Students should be able to count to 20 by 2s orally, and by 10s to 100. We have also been working on estimating quantities using a referent. We are working on addition up to 12, we work on doubles addition, "les amis de 10", what makes 10, and are introducing the corresponding subtraction facts. 

Hot lunch orders are due on Thursday. 
There is no school Tuesday, March 27th,  March 30th or April 2nd. 

Thank you for your support, 
Mme Greenwell


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