FEC Barkers Point School > Teachers > Posts > Mr. Fournier Grade 3/4
January 22
Mr. Fournier Grade 3/4


LITERACY.  Read a few chapters from THE ICE MONSTER by David Walliams. Read independently for 15 minutes. Worked in our Writing Folders.

MATH.  Reviewed What's the Number, Skip Counting by 5's, Creating Patterns, Two-Digit Addition, Before and After, and True or False?  We also continued our work on Multipliying 2-Digit by 1-Digit Numbers.

SOCIAL STUDIES.  Put together a booklet entitled Early Settlers: Communities in Canada 1780-1850, which will serve as a resource in our next unit of study.

ART.  Followed directions to produce a drawing of a Cartoon Toucan.

HEALTH.  Patrick Campbell continued the workshop on Empathy.

Students took home a schedule for our February skating excursion.

February Hot Lunch orders are due this Thursday (January 24th).

Have a GREAT evening! 



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