FEC Barkers Point School > Teachers > Posts > This Week in Grade 1 – Nov. 28th-Dec. 2nd
November 27
This Week in Grade 1 – Nov. 28th-Dec. 2nd

It was so nice to see so many parents at the parent-teacher meetings. If you were not able to meet, please do not hesitate to contact me via e-mail with any concerns (​anita.wison@nbed.nb.ca).

Dates to Remember:

Tuesday, November 29th

School Wide Team Meeting (wear your coloured shirt)

Thursday, December 1st

Career Day (if you would like to volunteer, please contact: patrick.campbell@nbed.nb.ca)

Thursday, December 9th

Movie Night with Home & School, 6:00-8:00pm ($5.00)

Friday, December 15th

Christmas Concert, shows will be at 9:00 and 11:00am (Dec. 19th rain date)

Friday, December 22nd

Christmas Lunch (Chef Roberta is offering turkey dinner as the hot lunch option [$5.00]. Parents are welcome to join).



Word Work: This week we will be looking at the all word family. We will also be practicing the Bossy r blends (er, ur, ir). To practice these Bossy r blends at home, please take a look at this video:


Sight Words: Our sight words this week are: after, but, if, off, have.  We will practice these all week during mini-lessons, independent work, and guided work. We are also practicing printing our sight words at the end of each week.

Reading: Books are being sent home with students weekly.  If you have noticed the same ones coming home, please send me a note as the students choose their own from their levelled basket.


This week we will be working on our how-to writing pieces. Our focus will continue to be grabbing the reader's attention using beginning sentences. The following are two examples of some sentences that use 'hooks’:

Have you ever drank a delicious smoothie?

Do you want to know how to make the best smoothie ever?


We are continuing our unit on addition and subtraction to 12. This week will begin our subtraction stories to 12. Here is a  link to a video we will be using this week:


Mental Math Strategies: Students will be encouraged to use mental math strategies such as doubles and counting on (counting on means that you start with the biggest number in an equation, and then count up. For example, in the equation 5+3, you want students to start with the “5” in their heads, and then count up, “6, 7, 8.” This is to discourage students from counting like, “1, 2, 3, 4, 5…..6, 7, 8.”).


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