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As you get ready for "back to school", take the time to go through these important bus safety tips with your children.
Their safety is our #1 priority: 


 School Bus Safety


School Bus Safety

 The following audio messages address pupil transportation safety. They target the general public and motorists to be cautious around school buses.


  Flashing Lights Safety              School Bus Safety
The following video relates to basic safety rules around school buses. It is addressed to students, parents and motorists.

[ Video ]





Seatbelt Issue.png

Please click the following for information on the use of seatbelts on school buses:  Seatbelt Pamphelt
Student School Bus Safety Training

School bus drivers work with students on their buses to ensure they know how to be safe in and around the bus. This is reinforced in the classroom with the Department of Education Dino-Bus school bus safety program giving support for students kindergarten to Grade 12.
Within the first few weeks of school each year all students receive the school bus safety orientation program for students kindergarten to Grade 12. Information is distributed to parents at the May kindergarten orientation meetings at the schools. Older students who have not been on a bus before, but will be that fall can also take advantage of the First-Time Riders program at this time.
During the first few months of school all students will participate in school bus emergency evacuation drills and once again in the fall and after Christmas break. Additionally, each school bus driver is to review emergency evacuation procedures with each of their bus loads of students.

Student School Bus Safety Misconduct

Safety is paramount. Students have the primary responsibility for their own actions. Every eligible student has the privilege to be conveyed by school bus without harassment or disruption and has the corresponding responsibility not to deny this right to other students.

More Information

For more information about these programs, rules and guidelines, please visit the Government of New Brunswick - Pupil Transportation Website.