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Schools are currently open. As information and updates become available, we will share it with our ASD-S familes through School Messenger emails and post it to this website. We will also link to this information from our Twitter and Facebook​ pages. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
​L​atest News

​Family Resources

Resources and Guides




Helpful Links

​​​​GNB Coronav​irus - Phone 1-844-288-3888



​Virtual Learning​

Schools are currently open. At this time, unless public health informs a family that individuals must self-isolate, students are encouraged to attend school. Some families do not feel comfortable with their child at school during the Orange phase; however, we are open with enhanced safety measures and learning will continue face to face. At this time teachers in K-8 will not be providing home learning materials, or meeting with students on Teams if they are remaining home during the orange phase unless they are informed by Public Health that they must self-isolate. 

The Home Learning site found here was developed this past spring during the provincial school closure to provide parents with activities and ideas to support learning at home.  We are making it available to help parents who have chosen to keep their children at home at this time. We encourage you to check with your child’s school as teachers may be posting homework and assignments on their Teams site if they are currently using it for this purpose.  

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Looking for information about Microsoft Teams, including tutorials and help files? Click here.

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Did you know? Every student in NB can install Microsoft Office 365, which kisspng-office-365.png
includes applications such as MS Teams, on personal computers for free
Instructions for downloading can be found here.

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Bring Your Own Digital Device