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November 18
F.E.S. Family Connections Sept. 12th-16th

Monday, September 12th


o   School photos

o   Grade 5 Leadership applications distributed

o   Volunteer form will be sent home

o   Cross Country Fun Run permission slips due

o   Healthy Lunch starts



Thursday, September 15th



o   Unannounced fire drill

Tuesday, September 13th


o   Announced fire drill at 11:45



Friday, September 16th


o   Grade 5 Leadership applications due

o   Off Site Evacuation practice

Wednesday, September 14th

o   Monthly assembly

o   First cross country fun run at Ecole Des Pionniers at 3:15

Upcoming Dates:



o   Home and School Meeting- Sept. 22nd-7:00


Information Items:

- Photography Flewwelling will be here on Monday, September 12th for school photos. For best results, they suggest clothing that is free of large logos and busy designs. Retakes will be taken on September 29th. 

-The website for the first healthy lunch order period closes tomorrow at 5pm. If you have not yet placed your child’s order, please go to  .  

-On Monday a number of forms will be sent home including

ü  Volunteer form (which I have attached for your perusal)

ü  Fluoride permission slips and brochure

ü  Allergy Awareness

ü  Right to Information and the Protection of Privacy Act (RTIPPA)

-Grade 5 Leadership application forms will be distributed on Monday. We encourage all students to become involved! Every effort is made to ensure that each child is assigned one of their top three choices.

-Thank you to all families who have paid the $50 (per student) student fee. Please pay online at or send in a cheque made payable to “Fairvale Elementary” by September 23rd.

-Cross Country Fun Runs for grades 3-5 students start this week and continue until Oct. 19th. All runs are on Wednesdays and begin at 3:15. A permission slip went home earlier in the week and are due on Monday.

-Morning Open Gym starts will start on Monday, September 19th  with Grade 1 students on Monday, Grade 2 students on Tuesday, Gr. 3 students on Wednesday, Gr. 4 on Thursday and Gr. 5 on Friday. On their designated day, children are welcome to go to the gym for activity stations instead of going to the playground.


- Fall running club for interested grades 3-5 students will begin the week of September 26th. Grade 3 students will run on Mondays, grade 4 students on Wednesdays, and grade 5 students on Friday. Permission slips will be sent by the end of next week. 


- The Rainbows program will be offered this fall, beginning in October. Rainbows is a program for children who have experienced a significant loss in their lives through death, illness, divorce, separation, or an-other painful transition. If you feel your child could benefit from participating in this program or you have questions, please contact our guidance counsellor, Ms. Casey at 847-6304 or Even if your child has participated in the past, you must contact Ms. Casey to sign them up again.

-Over the next couple of weeks we will be practicing safety protocols. On Tuesday, September 13th we will have an announced fire drill and on Thursday, September, September 15th, we will have an unannounced one. Our off site evacuation practice to True Life Church will take place on Friday, September 16th at 11:15.   A lock down practice will take place the week of September 19th. Teachers have been practicing these protocols with their children and we simply talk about being safe inside the school and safe outside the school.

-The 2nd annual Tanya Shand Milk & Cookie Fun Run to end the silence on Domestic Violence will take place on Saturday, Sept. 17th at the qplex. Please see the flyer attached.

-Thank you to those who have stepped up to assist with our Home and School.  Please see the members of our executive below. We are still in need of a vice president and coordinators for a few subcommittees. Attached please find a copy of our volunteer form for your perusal.  A hard copy will be coming on Monday.

§  President- Liz Tait

§  Vice President- Vacant

§  Treasurer- Heather Davidson

§  Secretary- Traci MacVay

Our first Home and School meeting will take place on Thursday, Sept. 22nd at 7pm in the conference room. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.

-Our weekly Family Connections are also posted on our school website under the Synrevoice tab.


-Please follow our school on Twitter @FairvaleFalcons.


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