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November 17
FES Family Connections November 3rd-7th

Vision: F.E.S students will be passionate life-long learners who contribute as responsible leaders in the global community

Monday, November 3rd
o    Gr. 1 Morning Open Gym
o    Kingsway Care friends visit for games with Mrs. Creamer’s class
o    Activity Stations at lunch for 2 O’Brien and 2  Blanchard
o    Intramural Action Gr. 5 (Mini Soccer)
Nets vs. Raptors, Bulls  vs. Warriors
o    Mad Science after school
o    Student Led Club leaders secure supervisors
o    Parent Teacher Preference forms are due
o    Paws in Jobland (gr. 4 & 5)
Thursday, November 6th
o    Gr. 4 Morning Open Gym
o    Skating starts for 2 Creamer, 2 Woods, 2 Urquhart, 1 Milburn, 1 Russell, 1 Kilpatrick, 5 McRae, 5 Wallace
o    Activity Stations at lunch for 1 Kilpatrick, 1 Milburn
o    Intramural Action Gr. 4 (Mini Soccer)
Hawks vs. Stars, Oilers vs. Blues
o    Estey Creations After School Art program continues
o    Primary Choir at lunch
Tuesday, November 4th
o    Gr. 2 Morning Open Gym
o    Grade 2 Afterschool Writing Enrichment
o    Paws in Jobland (gr. 4 & 5)
o    Career Dress Up Day
o    Upper Elementary Choir @ lunch
o    Home and School Meeting
Friday, November 7th
o    Career Expo in the gym
Wednesday, November 5th
o    Gr. 3 Morning Open Gym
o    K-5 Assembly – Habit 2
o    Information session for Grade 5 students interested in the Spring Drama (Sleeping Beauty)
Upcoming Dates:
o    November 10th- Remembrance Day Assembly @ 10:45 in the gym
o    November 10th Home reports go home
o    November 10th- Student Led Clubs begin- these clubs will run Mondays and Wednesdays until December 12th
o    November 11th- No School- Remembrance Day
o    November 12th-14th- Scholastic Bookfair
o    November 13th- Evening Parent Teacher from 4-7
o    November 14th- Parent Teacher meetings 9-11
o    November 14th-No school for students
Information Items:
- We received 40+ Student Led Club applications! They have been reviewed and the vast majority of the applications accepted. We have paired a grade 3 student with each gr. 4/5 club in the capacity of “Leader In Training”. We had a great response from our grade 3 students and so not everyone will be paired during our first round of clubs. If your child doesn’t get paired this time, they will be a priority the second round in January. Clubs will run on Mondays and Wednesdays beginning November 10th and ending December 12th. The noon hour schedule will change on those days to a common lunch time at 12:00pm-12:30pm. Mme. Hanson and Mme. Beaulieu’s class will eat at 11:40 or 11:45 and all other classes will eat after clubs. A list of all clubs will be shared in next week’s news (once supervisors are secured and students sign up).
- Take Me Outside Day was a huge hit! Students spent extra time outside learning and playing. Classes had physical education outside and many went out to read, explore, find patterns,  play,  and to enjoy the fresh air.
- Art Richard put on an interactive and entertaining bilingual presentation for our students today! He is always a hit at FES and we have already booked him for next year.
-As a result of the work of Gillian Buote’s student led club, “Free The Children” last spring, we have received tickets to “We Day” in Halifax on November 28th. We Day is an annual "youth empowerment" event organized by the Free the Children charity. Held in cities across Canada and the United States, We Day motivates youth to take action on local and global issues. Since 2007, thousands of Canadian students have attended We Day events, which feature speeches and performances from global leaders, social activists and public figures. Each student group that attends is asked to make a commitment of one local and one global action throughout the year in order to help create positive change in the world.  Mrs. Dobbin and I, along with the 12 students in grade 4 and 5, are excited about this experience that was created to “empower, educate, and above all, inspire” youth. We thank Mrs. Buote and Mrs. McCoy for joining us on this adventure!
- November 3-7th is Canada Career Week!  We have a number of activities planned for this important week, including a Career Expo on Friday, November 7th. A big thank you to those F.E.S. families who have been in touch to volunteer to share information about your career. We have secured 16 presenters! If you are able to participate for the morning, afternoon or all day,  please contact Ms. Casey at 847-6304 or via email-
During Canada Career Week, we’ll be inviting staff members to think back to earlier days and create a career clue about one of their former jobs.  We will use these career clues every morning on the video announcements during Canada Career Week.  The students will guess the job described in the clue, and guess which teacher once had that job.  This should prove to be a lot of fun and educational for staff and students! 
We also look forward to Career Dress-Up Day on Tuesday, November 4th - - a day for our students to step into the clothing or uniform of their dream occupation. To add to the fun, students will wear nametags saying “Future _____ (insert career)”.  Undoubtedly, this will be a favorite activity among our students. 
Java, Ms. Casey’s guidance helper, would like to invite all students to draw a picture of themselves in their dream job at home and hand them in to him.  Java will then display the pictures on his career bulletin board.  Java would appreciate having these pictures by Monday, November 3rd, so he can have his bulletin board ready for Career Week.
Java beginning with the end in mind and making a plan.
In the K- 2 classrooms, students will have an opportunity to consider what career might be of interest to them while learning about our Habit of the Month -“Begin with the End in Mind: Set a Goal and Make a Plan”.
Similarly, Grades 3, 4, and 5 students will have a chance to learn about Habit 2 while exploring the theme of entrepreneurship. During an in-class activity, students will be challenged to create their own businesses (setting a goal) and identify resources they would need to start those businesses (making a plan).   
Finally, Grade 4 & 5 students will have an opportunity to explore “Paws in Jobland”, a career tool for elementary-aged children. If you’d like to explore this career resource with your child, you can access the website at  Go to “Site ID” under the heading “Student Sign-In.”  The “Site ID” is 1223415 and the password is “puppy”.
-Our school will undergo a provincial  School Improvement Review in January. An external team consisting of representatives from the department of Education, two Anglophone South Learning Specialists and a principal from another school will spend three days here observing in classrooms, in hallways, on the playground, and having dialogue with students, teachers, support staff, and parents.
They will rate our school on 124 Indicators of effective schools in the following categories:
(The labels for the ratings are: Very Evident (VE), Mostly Evident (ME), Somewhat Evident (SE) and Not Evident (NE).)
Our Core Leadership Team (a team of 12 staff members including grade level representatives, specialists, English and Immersion, support staff) has been involved in an internal review where we rate our school on the identical indicators. Once the internal and external reviews are completed independently, a comparison of ratings is done and a collaborative dialogue takes place. Together we identify four areas of potential growth.


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