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February 03
FES Family Connections Feb. 2nd-6th

Monday, February 2nd
o    Gr. 1 Morning Open Gym
o    Kingsway Care friends visit with Mrs. Creamer’s class
o    Grade 5 Intensive French/ English turn around
o    Student Led clubs
Thursday, February 5th
o    Gr. 4 Morning Open Gym
o    Drama for select students
o    Skating for  K Martin, K Olive, 3 Jones, 3 Patterson, 3 Dawes, 5 Culligan, 5 Walsh
o    Chess club for k-2 and gr. 3-5 students at lunch
o    Mouse Trap Car Races
Tuesday, February 3th
o    Yearbook Photos
o    Gr. 2 Morning Open Gym
o    Upper Elementary Choir
o    Early Morning Open Library
o    Grade 4 Baseball student led club (Tuesday this week only)
o    Gr. 1 & 2 Open Library at 11:45
o    Gr. 3-5 Open Library at 12:15
o    Young at Heart Choir- seniors from Kings Way Care Centre join Mr. McRae’s class
o    Family Literacy Night -6:00-7:30
o    Grade 6 Parent Information Night at 7pm at Rothesay High (for grade 5 parents)
o    Home and School Meeting -7:30
Friday, February 6th
o    Gr. 5 Morning Open Gym
o    Drama for select students
o    Activity Stations at lunch for KP & KH
o    Yoga at lunch for select grade 2 and grade 5 students
o    Mouse Trap Car Races
Wednesday, February 4th
o    Gr. 3 Morning Open Gym
o    Student Led Clubs
o    Information Meeting at recess for grade 4 & 5 students interested in participating in the Hackmatack book club
Upcoming Dates:
o    Feb. 12th- Math Curriculum Night 6:30-7:30
o    Feb. 12th- First week of skating for 3 Martin, 3 Beaulieu, K Harroun, K Palmer, 2 O’Brien, 2 Blanchard
o    Feb. 13th- No school for students; professional learning for teachers and support staff
o    Feb 13th -4pm Healthy Lunch site opening
o    Feb. 18th- Grade 3 Parent Information Night at 7pm at KVHS for grade 2 parents
Information Items:
- The Rainbows program will be offered again, starting the week of March 9th. Rainbows is a program for children who have experienced a significant loss in their lives through death, illness, divorce, separation, or another painful transition. If you feel your child could benefit from participating in this program or if you have questions, please contact our guidance counsellor, Ms. Casey at 847-6304 or
-Doug Maxan, the former bus driver of 618, recently accepted a job at Lakefield Elementary. As a result, we are pleased to welcome Charity McDonald as the new permanent driver of bus 618.
-A reminder to all parents that students in kindergarten-grade 2 must be met at the bus stop in the afternoon by a parent or caregiver.  There is a district policy about this and we want to ensure that all students are safe with an adult at the end of the school day. When there is no one to receive a child at a bus stop, the driver will return the child to us and we will contact you. This policy has been in place for many years and we are providing you with a reminder because, over the course of the last few weeks, there have been quite a few incidents where parents/caregivers have not been at bus stops. We have had communication with all bus drivers to remind them of this policy.
-Yearbook group photos will take place on Tuesday.
-We are pleased to welcome Tracy Turnbull as our new Kindergarten Support Worker. Tracy has volunteered extensively at our school and is current co-chair of our library committee.
-We are fortunate to have two UNBSJ Education student interns this term. Julie Ojuawo is working with Mrs. Urquhart and James Hughes is with Mrs. Russell.
-Please check out this week’s KV Style! FES grade 5 student Anna Gillis is featured on the cover and her class is showcased in the issue as a result of their work with the Rothesay Living Museum. (There are also photos of Ryan Tynski, Emma Howe, Avery Richard, and Cameron Rouse.) The article highlights the authentic learning taking place in Mrs. Culligan’s Social Studies class.
- The Hackmatack Children's Choice Book Award is a literary program designed for young readers in Atlantic Canada. Each year, thousands of children aged nine to twelve (grades four to six) read from the selection of outstanding Canadian books and vote for the winners.  There will be a meeting on Wednesday at 10:15 in the conference room for students interested in being part of the FES Hackmatack book club.
-We have to replace many unreturned library books every year. The money utilized to replace these books could be better spent buying newly released titles and extra copies of our most popular books. Please encourage your children to return library books weekly. It is important for families to have a special place to store school library books at home so they are easily found when it is time to return them. Thank you for your support with this.
--Please follow our school on Twitter @FairvaleFalcons.


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