Posts: Voicemail May 1

5/1/2020 2:44 PM by louise.johnson

Dear Blue
Fox Families – this is a long message and I apologize but I have news that
people have been waiting for.


We have been
waiting patiently for the go ahead to give students their belongings from the
school. You should have received a message from the District saying that
providing we follow COVID safety procedures, we can start packing things up and
getting them to families.


will be in the building on Monday to clean out desks and gather materials. They
will put them in bags and label them.  
They will also be tryng to get their classes ready to allow custodians
to start a thorough cleaning of the building like they normally do each
summer.  This will continue into Tuesday
for anyone who wants it. 


On Wednesday
we will begin our contactless curbside pickup. 
If it rains, we will simply move the days forward.  Please watch for any notifications.  Hard to predict the weather this far in


If someone
else is to pick up your bags, please make sure you contact Mrs. Johnson to give
written permission.  Verbal will not be


CURBSIDE PICKUP - Directions for


your last name in LARGE clear printed letters on a sheet of paper and put it on
your right side passenger window with also the number of bags you are picking


If your child had medication housed at the
school, write MEDICATION at the bottom of the sheet.


You will enter the bus entrance and proceed up
through the yard, stopping at the spot indicated. We will be trying to keep the
line moving.


Pop your trunk and a staff member will place the
bag(s) in your trunk. 


Wednesday, last names A-M


10:30-12      Last
names A-C            70  student bags to be picked up


12:00-2   Last
names  D-G                42 student bags to be picked up


2:00- 4   Last
names   H-L                 60 student bags to be picked


4:00-6   Last Name  M                      59 student bags to be
picked up


6:00-8:00  any families who work during the day and
require an evening pick up or those who missed their time slot on Wednesday for
some reason.  If you can make it during
the day time slots, this is preferred.


Thursday, last names N-Z


10:00-12:00   Last Names N-R            44 
student bags to be picked up


12:00-2:00    Last name S-Z               53  student bags to be picked up



NOTE: If you have items
belonging to the school eg. Library books– please hold onto them for now.  We are not permitted to take them back into
the school at this time.






 I have been seeing some posts
from friends who are saying they feel overwhelmed with home-schooling.  Teachers do not want to overwhelm. They are
trying to do their jobs to the best of their ability in unprecedented times.
Talk to them. Tell them your situations. We know that everyone is handling this
differently. There will be no judgement. Tell them what you are doing for
learning- building with LEGO, baking, crafting, playing games, going on walks.
Learning is everywhere and it will be okay! You are not failing as a home-schooling
parent. There is no way you can replicate a classroom. We do not expect you
too. We know as educators we can not replicate face-to- face teaching but we
must continue to try because our employer says we must adapt and do what we can
to provide learning opportunities in a variety of ways. We do not want to
“fail” as teachers.

Teachers love your children and miss them. Virtual classes are held because of
this. They also know kids are missing seeing friends. They want to provide some
“normalcy” in a very abnormal situation. If one is missed, no hard feelings,
the door is

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