Posts: voicemail October 11

10/13/2019 1:13 PM by louise.johnson

for October 11, 2019


1.      Reminder that there is no school on Monday
October 14


2.     Next week is Kindergarten
Registration Week so please come in and register your child if they are coming
to school next year.  If you have any
questions, contact the admin assistant. 
Please spread the word in the community.


3.     Please remember to RSVP
for the dance and Hallowe’en Literacy Night – events that take place at the end
of the month.


4.     This is actually an old
policy but I will remind our parent community: We ask that parents do not go to
the classroom during the school day, including walking them to class in the
morning.  This is for a couple of
reasons.  One is that we are trying to
build independence in our students and it is October and students know exactly
how to get to class. Simply check them in at the office and send them on their
way.  Secondly, we can not have people
outside the school system simply walking around in the building.  Volunteers are to get a tag from Kim in the
office.   If you need to talk to the
teacher, it is generally not the best time at the beginning of the school day
as students are entering into class or during the day when teaching is going
on.  It is best to give a call and make
an appointment so that full attention can be given to the matter at hand.


If you are dropping a child off and students are still in the
yard in the morning, we ask that you use the new turn around area.  It is not necessary for you to walk them to
their lineup and even K-2 students can walk on the sidewalk to their lineup
from the turn around area.  There are
many adults outside to assist.


5.     Breakfast program has
changed to a grab and go type of program as we were having many students who saw
it as a social time or as a way to avoid dressing for chilly weather.  We are however seeing a greater number of students
taking advantage of the chance to grab toast, fruit, yogurt etc and we are
suspicious that this might be a second or third breakfast type thing in some
cases.  Please ask your child if this is
the case and have a discussion so that it is for students who truly require
this service.


6.     I have been giving out
community hockey forms but I also included a basketball notice on this


7.     Some parents might still
have outstanding student fees and others might have received notice of specific
vaccinations needed for immunization records.   Please send those things in ASAP if this
applies to you.


Happy Thanksgiving.

Publish End Time: October 13,2019
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