Posts: voicemail for November 29

12/2/2018 5:33 PM by louise.johnson

I do not
have much to say- newsletter is going home tomorrow with all of the important
December information.  Please take a


A couple of behavior
issues though:


Expectations – We are having issues with students putting hands on other
students.  I hear often that it was play fighting
but unfortunately that frequently leads to real fighting.  Snow forts are being “owned” and then someone
gets annoyed that it is being destroyed. 
Someone does something mean and there is a retaliation mentality where
teams are formed to get revenge.  Please
reinforce with your child to keep hands off of others.  Tell the teacher if there is an issue.  Every season generally brings new challenges
and we have moved onto winter. Thanks for your support in this matter.



Secondly, we
had a situation today where someone passed out and bumped their head after
playing the “Red Face Game” – which is hold your breath until your face turns
red.  Please discuss with your children
that it is NOT a good game to play!



Thank you
everyone. Please remember to turn in your Bazaar donations soon as we need to
see if we have enough items.

Publish End Time: December 02,2018
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