Posts: Voicemail - November 2

11/2/2018 2:05 PM by louise.johnson

I will take
a different slant with my weekly message – wordier but please listen to the


·       On Thursday, we welcomed the Code Mobile to our school as our
staff love to give our students opportunities for enrichment.  The coding experts worked with all
students in grades 3-5 and the excitement was contagious.   I spent much time taking pictures for our
yearbook which is created by staff members outside of school hours.  It was a great day of learning in the
Curiosity Commons, a place where I spent many a summer day, going there to
install homemade curtains and other things, while my hard-working custodians
cleaned in the sweltering days without air conditioning.  By the way, thanks to the many District Leads
and WES teachers who organized all of the evening activities at the recent
Opening of this cool new learning space that is also open at lunch under my
supervision for all students to enjoy.


·       During the assembly on Wednesday, we
acknowledged students who will be going to the District Chess Tournament after
participating in a lunchtime club and tournament led by two staff members.  Congratulations to those students and we wish
them well at the District Tournament.


·       Friday was a Career Day Dress-up
event where students were given the opportunity to have fun while discussing
future careers, part of the NB You and
Your World
Curriculum.  Staff even
got in on the fun by dressing in career attire showing what they would have
liked to be if they were not already living their dream of working with your children
on a daily basis. 


·       Tonight at 6:30 Hotel Transylvania 3 will
be playing in the gym.  You will be
greeted warmly by staff members and parent volunteers who have either brought
their families or are donating time to help. 
Enjoy popcorn popped and bagged by parent volunteers and myself or
choose some other healthy snacks purchased by me last evening.   We
would love to see a crowd out to this family event.  Money will be used to buy prizes at the
upcoming School Book fair for January’s Literacy Night which the staff will be
planning shortly.  The book fair is run
by volunteers with organizational help from a couple of staff members so if
anyone can help out, let Mrs. Johnson know – even if it is only for an hour in
the evening.


·       Be sure to pick up your calendar if
you ordered one.  The Parent Volunteer
who spent hours creating it will be attending the Movie Night and she will have
them there.


Next Week:


·       There is a Home and School meeting on Tuesday night at 6:30.  Mrs. McClure, my teacher representative and
I, along with the Home and School Executive would love to see new faces. We
understand if you are not able to volunteer during the school day.  I am in the same boat, but I do try and
support the HVHS parent group in other ways so that I can show my son that I
value school, and appreciate the teachers who work hard on a daily basis so
that he can succeed as well as have all the extras outside of academics.  Please come! 
Get involved! THIS is the forum for you to contribute ideas, find
solutions to challenges, as well as share your talents.  Our motto at Westfield is “Together we Learn” and I am thankful for
those Community Members that support their local school and recognize
that it takes help from all sides - parents, teachers, EAs and the community
businesses – to make Westfield the great school that it is.


·       On November 8 students may choose to wear
Poppy colours if they wish.  On this day
we will honour veterans, while at the same time teaching our students that we
are lucky because we live in a peaceful country where

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