Posts: voicemail September 9

9/9/2018 3:30 PM by louise.johnson

A few messages for Blue Fox Families for this week:


 The first
Home and School Meeting of the year will happen on Tuesday night at 6:30 in the
Curiosity Commons.  Our first Movie night
will be on Friday at 6:30 and we will be playing “The Incredibles 2”  Cost is $3 each or $10.00 for a family of 4
or more.


Safe Arrival program starts tomorrow.  This means that if your child is not in the
classroom when attendance is taken, calls will be made by an automated system
for approximately 20 minutes.  After that
time, if the system does not receive a response, the administrative assistant
will be able to see that and she will attempt to make contact with the names
that we have on the list.  IF you know
your child is not going to be present, you can report it by:


calling toll free: 1-833-219-9065


going to the website:


or using the mobile app: School Messenger


A reference card will go home with
your child on Monday so look for it in bookbags.


We registered quite a few people on the night of
Open House for Cashless schools.  The
link is on our website.  We hope to start
putting this into use this week as well. 


Thanks for being patient regarding bussing.  We have MANY students going to babysitters
and daycares so it makes it makes it difficult every year.


Parents in grades 3-5 please also keep an eye
out for a sport liability letter that needs to be signed and returned.  This is needed if your child wants to
participate in any school sport activity such as ball hockey tournaments, or
team events.  It acknowledges that there
are risks with any sport and that it is beneficial for parents to have
insurance for their children who are playing sports.  We will be holding our own in house jamboree
type events this year rather than travelling to other locations in the district.  This is because of the liability issues that District
has pointed out that have gone unnoticed in the past. 


As with other years we are collecting a “Toonie
for Terry” in preparation for our Terry Fox Walk which will happen on September
27.  Mrs. Kidney is collecting those in
the gymnasium.  All proceeds going to the
Terry Fox Foundation for Cancer Research.


Publish End Time: September 09,2018
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