Posts: Voicemail of September 28

9/28/2017 5:00 PM by louise.johnson

·       Mad Science begins on Monday, October


 Parents are reminded that they
need to pick up students in the front lobby following Mad  




·       Please come to Downey Ford on
Saturday and tell them that you would like to take a test drive for Westfield


·       Cross Country Jamboree is happening
on Thursday at 3:30 at Woolastook Park at Simms Corner.


·       Home and School is looking for
Hallowe’en Costume donations.  Please
send them in to the school.  Hallowe’en
Sale will take place on October 12th.


·       Home and School is running the QSP
fundraiser. Please note that this is not the same company as last year! Please
consider buying some magazines and wrapping paper!


·       Mrs. Marilyn Brooks our grade 4
teacher, is retiring on Friday. Please join me in wishing Marilyn a happy
retirement. Melissa Clarke-MacDonald will be joining us to take over that


·       We are presently awaiting word as to
whether we will be making an additional K/1 classroom.  District is determining how to proceed but it
may be necessary to move some children around at the K-2 level.  The benefit of being given this class is that
there will be smaller class sizes in the classes containing Kindergarten
Students and grade one students. Please be understanding should I have to call
you to discuss your child moving to another classroom.


30 is Orange Shirt Day. Orange Shirt Day is a legacy of the St. Joseph Mission (SJM)
residential school commemoration event held in Williams Lake, BC, Canada, in
the spring of 2013.  It grew out of Phyllis' story of having her
shiny new orange shirt taken away on her first day of school at the Mission,
and it has become an opportunity to keep the discussion on all aspects of
residential schools happening annually. Staff received training
prior to school starting regarding First Nations history and throughout the
year, we will be trying to weave it into our teaching.


·       I will be making Friday night
voicemails.  This will give you a heads
up for the upcoming week.  Emails will be
sent too and if you are not receiving emails and would like this to happen,
please touch base with our administrative assistant.  Should you wish to dismiss my voicemail, 33
will take you to the end of the message and 7 will erase. Thanks.  I will be sending an October Newsletter home
on Monday to those who requested it and I will be posting it on the website and
Twitter on Sunday.




Publish End Time: September 28,2017
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