Pages: SMART

Name: SMART.aspx
Title: SMART
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The staff at St. Patrick’s has created a new responsibility/behaviour code called:  S.M.A.R.T.  The staff will be reviewing this behaviour code constantly through the year. We believe this to be an easier way for the students to understand what is expected of them daily. This code applies when they are in class, eating recess and lunch, out in the yard and traveling to and from the school.

Being SMART also refers to Online Safety.


Click on the banner to visit Childnet's Kidsmart Website


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Created at 9/26/2011 10:16 AM by i:0#.f|nbedldapmembershipprovider|mark.bates
Last modified at 9/6/2013 9:41 AM by i:0#.f|nbedldapmembershipprovider|mark.bates
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