Pages: Course-Registration

Name: Course-Registration.aspx
Title: Course Registration
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Contact: joel.brown
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Course Registration

Course registration is the opportunity for students to select which courses they would like to study in the 2022-2023 year.  We do our best to ensure that students receive their first choices, but that is not always the case and, particularly when students are looking for a course that has only one section offered. If they don't receive their first choice, their alternates are used.   It is important to carefully consider your alternates when selecting courses.  Please follow the following steps:
Step 1: Students will receive a registration form from their homeroom teacher
Students should take every opportunity to
discuss course options and post-secondary learning and career plans with their
parents, guardians and teachers.  Here is the Course Calendar which may be used
to inform your selection process: Course Calendar 2022-2023.pdf
Step 2: Parents/Guardians will sign off on the form and it is to be returned to the homeroom teacher.  The form needs to be returned by April 8th, 2022.
Step 3: Register using PowerSchool
Here is the guide to register using PowerSchool: Course Selection PowerSchool Instructions.pdf
Please use the following link to register Online:
Step 4: Guidance will meet with each student and review their registration
Please view the following video on course registration:
Please view the following video for more information related to Advance Placement:

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Created at 4/30/2020 1:31 PM by joel.brown
Last modified at 3/24/2022 5:09 PM by joel.brown
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