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Please note the following: READ CAREFULLY

A. Graduation Requirements
Make certain that you have the appropriate course requirements for graduation. If you have any doubts, make an appointment to see me and this will be reviewed. The appointment should be made immediately.
B. Post-Secondary Plans
Each of you should now be considering your plans following graduation. The fall months should be used to explore different career possibilities, different universities, colleges, institutes, specialist programs, job opportunities and so forth. You are welcome to:
1)  Make an appointment with me to receive assistance with these plans. Many students have already done so.
2)  Avail yourself of the Guidance Center and materials therein. If you wish to have certain materials for a few days, arrangements can be made. Please see me.
3)  Contact colleges, universities, specialist schools, etc. for general information, calendars, and materials regarding specific programs. Also, check the website for that particular institution by typing the name of the institution in Google or other search engines.
4) Ensure that you have the appropriate courses and course levels for whatever program you are going to enroll in. Different programs, universities, colleges, institutes have varying prerequisites. If in doubt, or if you have any concerns about these requirements, see me by the end of November. There may still be time to make the necessary adjustments. If you plan on applying to the New Brunswick Community College Program, see me immediately.
C. Post-Secondary Day
1) Post-Secondary Day for Simonds High is scheduled for October.  Approximately 60 colleges, universities, institutes and specialist schools will be represented. All grade 12 students (and grade 11 students) are to attend.  In October, details concerning Post-Secondary Day will be provided to you through your homeroom teacher.
2) A Public Evening Parent Information Night is always scheduled in the evening around Post-Secondary Day.  The above noted post-secondary institutions will be present. You are welcome to attend and please inform your parents about the public evening and encourage them to attend.
D. Studying Outside of Canada following High School
Any student intending to further their studies outside of Canada should see me if they have not already done so. Specials tests may have to be written. See me before the end of October.
E. Regular Officer Training Program - Canadian Armed Forces
Students interested in the Canadian Armed Forces in any capacity should see me by the end of November. If interested in the ROTP Program see me by mid-October.
F. Community College
Students considering applying to a New Brunswick Community College program should see me as soon as possible, preferably before Thanksgiving.
A visit to the New Brunswick Community College, Saint John Campus is being planned for in October. You must sign up to attend. The sign up sheet will be placed in the Guidance Center.
NOTE: It is to your advantage to have your applications for NBCC programs submitted as early as possible.  Applications are available in the Guidance Center or can accessed at:
Students must submit the application, the application fee and request a transcript from the Guidance office.
G. Applications
Application forms to universities, colleges, (N.B.C.C. applications available now) and other institutions will be available through the Guidance Center during the month of December. See me. You should be obtaining these applications before Christmas so that you will have more time to work on them and not be rushed in January and February.
When filling out your applications, first read all information and instructions. Print clearly. If you are not sure of how to complete a section, prior to completing the section, see me at noon hours.
Applications must be complete, all applicable sections filled in and all supporting documentation (i.e. confidential report forms, references, application fee, and transcript) provided as requested.
Most institutions encourage on-line applications. You may wish to apply in this manner. Again applications must be completed on time and all supporting documentation provided.
More information to come.
H. Honours/High Honours Students
All students who will have a 75% or greater average must during the month of December:
1)  Request their Letters of Reference. These letters are to be given directly to me from your teacher.
2)  Complete a Personal Profile form. This form is to be obtained from me and upon completion, returned to me.
All students who expect to have an Honours or High Honours standing, should see me during the FIRST WEEK OF DECEMBER.
I. Job Searches
Students who hope to go directly to work after Graduation should begin their Job Searches. Students are encouraged to visit the Work Room to explore career options; learn job and self-marketing strategies; connect with employers; obtain assistance with applying for jobs, writing resumes, cover and follow-up letters; learn interviewing skills; and get help with job searches.
Students who plan to go directly to work after graduation should submit their to the Work Room as soon as possible.
Click here for Career Conversation Tips for Parents of Post-Secondary Students
 Career Resources for students and parents.pdf
J. April & May
In April & May the major activities for Grade 12 students will be student loan information sessions, scholarship and bursary applications, continued job searches and interviews.
NOTE: University Entrance Scholarship Applications are to be completed when applying to universities (January, early February).
More information to come.
K. Identification Numbers
All students should have a Social Insurance Number and a Medicare Number. If you do not have both of these, see me immediately.
Your Social Insurance Number is usually required when applying for post-secondary studies. It is also required for employment, part time or full time.
L. Admission Offices
Admission offices, when reviewing applications for acceptance and scholarships, will consider recommendations and student involvement, as well as marks.
M. Ring Days
If you wish to order a Graduation Ring, a Jostens’s representative will be in the Gym Lobby at lunch time some time during first and second semester. For more information go to to deisgn your ring.  Jostens Rings will visit the school, please listen to the announcements for details when.
N. Scholarship Information
Students should check the school website and regularly for information on scholarships and other graduation details as information is updated regularly.
To apply for a scholarship:
1)  Go to the given website and read the instructions
2)  Transcripts of marks can be obtained from Mr. MacDonald in the Guidance Center if the application requires one.
3)  Many applications will require a letter of reference (or 2) from a teacher(s). Teachers should be given written information (Activity Resume) from you telling them your involvement inside and outside of the school at the time the reference letter is requested as this will enable them to write a detailed letter.
Sample activity resume:
4)  Students can print the application off the website or obtain an application in the Scholarship filing cabinet in the Guidance Center
POSSIBLE SOURCES OF INFORMATION WHEN PLANNING FOR POST-SECONDARY: ( Provides free information on scholarships and awards. Students who fill out eligibility profiles will be notified of suitable awards.
Royal Bank budgeting software ( Free downloadable software designed to help students balance their budgets and keep track of spending (PC and MacIntosh versions).
Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada ( - Includes information on 150 scholarships that the AUCC administers on behalf of government agencies and private companies.
Apprenticeship NB ( information on apprenticeship programs in NB
Career Cruising ( - Use the Username: shcareer and the password: centre.  This website will allow you to find information that will give you career descriptions, average starting salaries, job availability, education required, etc. This is an excellent resource.
Canada Student Loans ( Provides a guide to federal government loans for part-time and full-time students, links to provincial student aid departments, and an interactive application form that helps students assess their eligibility for funding. ( Contains school profiles, virtual campus tours and a career-planning section. A related site,, notifies students of awards for which they may be eligible. Contains a directory of Canadian Career Colleges
CanLearn Interactive ( The federal government’s main site for students with a wide variety of information on planning and paying for an education. a list of scholarships available to Canadian students Obtain information on provincial loans available.
Any Canadian Bank website- review information on loans and a student line-of-credit
All you need to succeed ( Targets career learning and labour market information.
Good Luck in the coming school year!!!!


Student Loans

Any student who is attending post-secondary in the fall and may require a student loan, is encouraged to go to:  There is a video on the main page with valuable information on how to apply for student loans. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. MacDonald in the Guidance Center.
Student Loan Video
Student Loans are now available for students in grade 12 going to post-secondary next year. Applications are available at:
These will be available in the Guidance Center soon. Please listen to school announcements for updates.

O. Mental Health to Go
Congratulations on reaching a milestone in your life and graduating from high school this year.   With graduation comes some uncertainty and one of those is, “Who can I go to if I need help with my mental health following high school?”  ASDS has put together a resource called Mental Health to Go (MH2G) that is meant to help you find mental health service providers if/when needed following graduation.  The ones listed in this presentation are just a few of the many wonderful organizations available to you in your community.  If you are unable to find a local organization in the list provide, we have included the Helping Tree from the Link Program which should assist you in accessing organizations in your immediate area. We have also included information about the Kids Help Phone, which is a service that can be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by individuals up to the age of 24.  We want to congratulate you on finishing high school and wish you all the best in your future endeavors.


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Created at 2/17/2012 9:54 AM by i:0#.f|nbedldapmembershipprovider|mark.bates
Last modified at 1/13/2022 2:03 PM by joel.brown
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