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Title: Ron Howard Murals
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Ron Howard Murals
The first group of these murals was unveiled on Sept. 29, 2000, depicting the historical significance of the Millidgeville Airport to the history of aviation in New Brunswick.   Other murals followed, depicting significant figures and accomplishments in aviation history.   These murals hang in the hall at M. Gerald Teed School.
Mr. Howard has been a lifelong resident of Saint John and is a retired Commercial Artist.  Mr. Howard along with his brother Gene, established Eastern Sign and Display in 1946 and were in business for 45 years, until 1991.  He has painted everything from truck placards to billboards announcing the opening of the Algonquin Hotel, the Lord Beaverbrook Rink, the Irving Oil Refinery and Market Square, name but a few provincial sites.
Many of Mr. Howard's works are familiar to the citizens of Saint John and have been landmarks throughout the city  such as the original Loyalist Man and the former Red Rose Tea Sign.

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Created at 12/19/2011 10:25 AM by i:0#.f|nbedldapmembershipprovider|mark.bates
Last modified at 2/6/2019 8:11 AM by tanya.mcgrath
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