Pages: Home-and-School

Name: Home-and-School.aspx
Title: Home and School
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Contact: i:0#.f|nbedldapmembershipprovider|mark.bates
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Page Content: The New Brunswick Federation of Home and School Associations Inc. is an organization of parents and teachers working together, dedicated to providing our children with a quality education. We are a volunteer, non-profit, non-partisan association made up of individuals like you and I.
We confer and cooperate with organizations which concern themselves with the care and training of children and youth in the home, in the school and in the community; and with the education of adults to meet these responsibilities. Our members participate in discussion groups and committees regarding policy and curriculum development at local, regional, provincial and national levels.

How does H&S differ from PSSC’s?
Home and School is open to everyone.  PSSC membership is restricted with many members of the school community excluded.  Home and School has a broader mandate and is not restricted by government decree as to what we can and cannot participate in or comment on.  Home and School collaborates and dialogues with other education partners and like-minded community associations in order to achieve the best for our community, both the school community and the greater community at large.  PSSC’s are restricted from that broader participation.  Home and School strives to inform its members of a range of issues relating to public education.  PSSC’s mandate is restricted by provincial legislation.  Home and School is an independent body with an independent voice, PSSC’s are not.


Membership 2013 -2014



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Created at 6/14/2011 2:40 PM by i:0#.f|nbedldapmembershipprovider|mark.bates
Last modified at 9/19/2013 3:26 PM by Greg.Norton
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