Pages: School-Dance-Policy

Name: School-Dance-Policy.aspx
Title: School Dance Policy
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Contact: Ashley.Vautour
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Page Content: School Dance Policy
Attending school dances is a privilege.  Students who have violated the HVHS Conduct Policy may not be allowed to attend school dances at the discretion of school administration.  In order to attend a dance, students must sign up and purchase admission during the announced time frame.  ID cards must be presented at the time of purchase.  Tickets may not be sold during the week before the dance, so the approved dance attendance list can be finalized.
At the dance:
Students not on the approved dance attendance list will not be admitted.
Students who do not present valid student ID cards at the door will not be admitted.
Admission to the dance will be denied to any student absent from school that day.
Students will conduct themselves at dances in a respectful and proper manner.
Unless accompanied by an adult in authority, students will not be permitted to leave and re-enter the dance.
All dances are 8pm -11pm and students must make arrangements to be picked up by 11pm.
Improper dancing, including (but not limited to) grinding, will not be permitted. A warning will be issued and if it is not adhered to parents/ guardians will be called to come and pick up the student.
If a student’s guest is asked to leave a dance, then the student will also be asked to leave the dance. 
Any incident that includes possession of or use of alcohol or drugs will result in a five day suspension from school and restriction from future dances.
A student may sign in a student who currently attends another high school in the Saint John Education Center or who graduated from Harbour View High School within the last 12 months.
The student must provide the guest’s name, parent/guardian’s name and phone number when purchasing the guest’s admission. 
Guests that are signed-in must bring a valid student ID from their high school or, in the case of former graduates, another form of valid ID.
The student must arrive at the dance with the signed-in guest.
Signed-in guests may be excluded from the dance at the discretion of school administration. If a signed-in guest will not be allowed to attend, the signing Harbour View High School will be notified, whenever possible, before the dance.
A student may only sign in one guest to each dance.
Any student that signs in a guest to a school dance will take responsibility for that guest’s behaviour.  Any incidents involving a signed-in guest will be reported to the home school administration and/or parents/guardians at the discretion of Harbour View High School’s administration.
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Created at 6/19/2019 9:44 AM by Ashley.Vautour
Last modified at 2/12/2021 11:13 AM by Ashley.Vautour
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