Pages: Positive-Learning-Environment

Name: Positive-Learning-Environment.aspx
Title: Positive Learning Environment
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Contact: Ashley.Vautour
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Page Content: Positive Learning and Working Environment Policy

The following are some examples of poor behaviours that will not be tolerated and typical consequences associated with those behaviours.
Profanity is a part of “street behaviour” and, therefore, not acceptable at school.  Swearing that is meant to be insulting or threatening will not be tolerated and the consequences will be more severe.   Incidental swearing will also not be accepted and students must make a sincere effort to make amends for their mistake (i.e. apologize).  This encourages the skill of taking responsibility for yourself and will, hopefully, lead to self-monitoring.
Bullying, Harassment, Intimidation, or Discrimination
HV students are expected to refrain from engaging in such unacceptable behaviours. When such behaviour is confirmed the offender will receive an IMMEDIATE SUSPENSION from school.  Our goal is to provide a safe and worry free environment for all.  Please be a good citizen and report instances to an adult. When incidents occur consequences will be set accordingly.  Your teachers and parents expect you to accept responsibility for your actions. Integrity is imperative; we want you to be sincere, honest and willing to correct your behaviour. In less serious cases a warning will be issued; anyone not heeding it will be suspended until a meeting can be held with a parent and assurances of behaviour change are given.
Theft or Intentional Property Damage:
All issues will be dealt with by involving the parent or guardian.  Solutions for returning items or replacement will be the goal. The police may be contacted.
Failing to Report:
When a teacher assigns a student to the AIM room (Academic Intervention Method) or requests a student receive a noon detention, that student must report.  Failing to do so is defiance and could lead to suspension until a meeting with a parent or guardian. “I forgot “is not an acceptable excuse.
Dishonesty is unacceptable and often creates a larger problem.  It will be treated in a punitive manner and parents will be contacted.
It is considered bullying to gauntlet. This is defined as two rows of persons administering an unsolicited action such as name calling, criticism, and/or ridiculing laughter in an attempt to harass/irritate another. This occurs when students line the walls of the hallway and make remarks to those who pass through. Those engaging in or encouraging gauntleting may be subject to suspension.
Throwing Snowballs:
Throwing snowballs is certainly an activity that can result in serious injury and is strictly prohibited on or around school property for obvious safety reasons.  Noon detentions will be issued for first offences, subsequent infractions will draw a suspension from school.
Smoking on School Property:
Smoking of any kind (including vapor or e cigarettes) is strictly prohibited.  The standard consequence for anyone found to be smoking on school property is a two day suspension.
Creating or Attempting to Create a Disturbance:
This includes use of abusive language and speaking or acting in such a way as to impair the order of discipline on school property. Such behaviours will result in IMMEDIATE SUSPENSION from school.  Suspensions range from 1- 5 days.
Alcohol/Illegal drugs:
Harbour View has zero tolerance for illegal substances and use of these will result in IMMEDIATE SUSPENSION from school. All incidences of smelling of, possession of, use of, or selling of drugs or alcohol will result in a 5 day suspension and possible police involvement.
A referral will be made to Ridgewood Addiction Services to assist in helping to inform the student about the dangers of drugs and alcohol.
All offences under the PLWEP will warrant some form of corrective intervention.  Consequences range from a reprimand to suspension beyond five days (with the right to appeal) depending, of course, on the severity of the act.
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Created at 6/19/2019 9:40 AM by Ashley.Vautour
Last modified at 2/12/2021 10:55 AM by Ashley.Vautour
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