Pages: Extracurricular-Opportunities

Name: Extracurricular-Opportunities.aspx
Title: Student Council
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Contact: Ashley.Vautour
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Page Content: Student Council
The student government supports all Harbour View activities. It worls to develop and present special events aimed at involving all students and promoting school spirit.
Student Representative Council
Graduation Class Executive

President: Adelle Read

 Casey Flanagan
VP Spirit: Aidan Crowley
VP Finance: Ryan Leblanc
VP Admin: Nason Murphy
VP Wellness - Georgia Anderson
Grade 11
 Tala Hawkes
Grade 10
Rep: Lillie Hussey

Grade 9  Rep: Gavin Steeves

President:  Ella Melvin

VP General: Julia Wiezel

VP Finance: Bridget Jacobsen

VP Admin: Jesse Coffin

VP Spirit: Ben Timmons

VP Social Media: Abby Jones


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Created at 6/18/2019 3:19 PM by Ashley.Vautour
Last modified at 10/24/2022 1:40 PM by Ashley.Vautour
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