Pages: Music-Programs

Name: Music-Programs.aspx
Title: Music Programs
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Contact: Ashley.Vautour
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The Harbour View Band Instrumental Music Program is an important part of the culture of our school and certainly one of the many elements that makes Harbour View so unique. We are the only school is ASD-S to offer a co-curricular music program. As a result we are able to achieve a very high level of musicianship and performance.

The Harbour View HIgh School band program is dedicated to providing outstanding musical experiences and opportunities to its students while helping them grow into responsible, mature adults.
To make these experiences successful, we require discipline, organization and commitment to the program.
Being a part of the band program is to be seen as an honour and students will be expected to help serve as role models for the school and other organizations within it.
As a result of our high expectations, discipline, leadership, and social opportunities, students have the opportunity to develop valuable life skills such as a positive self-image, time management, confidence, poise, responsibility and loyalty, as well as the musical abilities needed to be a successful musician and ensemble member.
Curricular Music Courses

Instrumental Music 9
This is a 45-hour course offered as an alternative to Grade 9 General Music. No previous experience with an instrument is required.
Instrumental Music 10
Pre-Requisite: Instrumental Music 9
Instrumental Methods 110
Pre-Requisite: Instrumental Music 10
Instrumental Methods 120
Pre-Requisite: Instrumental Methods 110
These are performance-based courses. There will be several performances throughout the semester, mostly evening performances. You will have plenty of notice and are expected to be in attendance for all performances. All students and parents will sign a performance contract at the beginning of the course. Any conflicts must be brought to the attention of Ms. Sanderson immediately. There are no “make-up” assignments for performances unless arranged with Ms. Sanderson well in advance. 
Extra-Curricular Ensembles
Grade 9 Band

This band is for students who have completed Instrumental Music 9. We rehearse twice a week during 2nd semester at 8:00am.
Grade 10 Band
This band is for students who have completed Instrumental Music 10. We rehearse twice a week during 2nd semester at 8:00am.
Senior Band
This band is for students who have completed Instrumental Methods 10 and/or 110. We rehearse three times a week during 1st semester at 8:00am.

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Created at 6/18/2019 2:39 PM by Ashley.Vautour
Last modified at 2/12/2021 10:04 AM by Ashley.Vautour
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