Pages: How-we-Grade-and-Assess

Name: How-we-Grade-and-Assess.aspx
Title: How we Grade and Assess
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Page Content: How we Grade and Assess

Student behaviour (participation, adherence to classroom rules, etc.) will not be included in grades. If skills and participation are a curriculum outcome they can be measured and assessed using a rubric.
Students will not be given points for extra credit or bonus points.
For group scores, individual achievement evidence must be present.
Attendance will not be used in grade determination; however, attendance is critical to meet with success. Prolonged absences will certainly affect grades.
Clear descriptions of achievement expectations will be provided (rubrics, exemplars, etc.).
Grades will be based on a student’s individual achievement.
Quality assessments developed in departments or from essential learnings will be used as evidence of learning.
The most recent achievement will be used when learning is developmental.
When possible, the student will be involved in the grading process (developing rubrics, assessing exemplars, self-evaluating, etc.).
Students are responsible for course work completion as per the guidelines on the course syllabus.

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Created at 6/18/2019 2:32 PM by Ashley.Vautour
Last modified at 2/12/2021 9:44 AM by Ashley.Vautour
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