Pages: Travel-Choir

Name: Travel-Choir.aspx
Title: Harbour View Choral Ensemble
Scheduling Start Date:
Scheduling End Date:
Contact: cynthia.leblanc
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Page Content: The Harbour View Choral Ensemble is a choir comprised of students, of Harbour View High School. They perform regularly at school functions and at various venues in the area. The choir sings a variety of music from a number of different styles and historic periods. The choir has represented New Brunswick and Canada at various national and international events. Past trips have included:
2013 - Germany 2012 – Newfoundland 2011 – Germany and Austria 2010 – Ottawa 2009 - Italy 2008 – Toured New England with performances in Bangor, Portland, and Boston. 2007 – Austria and the Czeck Republic 2006 - Niagara International Music Festival 2005 – Ottawa

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Created at 11/21/2012 3:23 PM by cynthia.leblanc
Last modified at 10/21/2013 12:00 PM by janetl.wilson
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