Pages: Demonstration-Schools-Pilot-Project

Name: Demonstration-Schools-Pilot-Project.aspx
Title: Demonstration Schools Pilot Project
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Contact: i:0#.f|nbedldapmembershipprovider|mark.bates
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A significant feature of 21st century learning is the use of technology. Harbour View is one of the high schools in the District chosen to participate as a Demonstration School in this provincial pilot study. The goal of the project is to determine how the processes of teaching and learning can be most effectively enhanced with technology.
As a result of this designation, we will be using Net Book computers to support student learning in the areas of:
• Achievement
• Personalized Learning
• Student engagement
 We will share more information about this initiative during the school year.
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Created at 9/26/2011 6:41 PM by i:0#.f|nbedldapmembershipprovider|mark.bates
Last modified at 5/2/2012 11:10 AM by cynthia.leblanc
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