Posts: Weekly Newsletter

6/13/2022 11:29 AM by Ashley.Vautour

Final Assessments

Final assessments for Semester 2 take place next Monday - Thursday.  The schedule is attached here:  Assessment schedule June 2022.pdf 

Not all courses will have final assessments during that week so students have to ensure they are clear on when and where each assessment will take place.  Subject teachers will be reviewing this with classes – and the detailed schedule is posted throughout the school.

Students only need to attend when they are scheduled to write their exams.

Busses will run on their regular schedules for that week.  For students who are writing exams in the morning and are using school transportation at the end of the day, the Library and Cafeteria can be used for Study Hall locations.  Students will need to be in one of those locations if they remain at school.

Graduation Week Details

Details for Graduation Week events related to gown pick up, diploma presentations etc. are attached here: Graduation Week 2022.pdf 

If you have not already booked a time for your graduate the link can be found here:  HVHS Graduation 2022 (

Grads are asked to ensure they have paid their $50 grad fee prior to picking up gowns on June 22. 

Another reminder that if you have recently received a scholarship or bursary, please let Guidance know.

PowerSchool Access

The public portal for PowerSchool will be shut down for the duration of the school year as teachers determine final marks.

Final Report Cards

Report Cards for Grade 9 – 11 students will be available the morning of Friday, June 24 from Homeroom teachers.  School busses will be running that day – or students can stop in throughout the day to pick up the report cards.  After 11:00 they will all be held in the Main Office.

Grade 12 students will receive their transcript of marks along with their diploma on June 23.

Summer Learning for Students

Once again, the province is offering a free summer learning program for students entering Grades 10, 11, or 12 in the fall.  These are fully online courses and students would be required to commit 3-4 hours per day for the four weeks of the courses.  These are great opportunities for students who are missing a pre-requisite for a course they are looking to complete next year, or to be able to focus on a single course for a period of time.  Details are attached here: Summer Learning for Students 2022.pdf 

Graduation Photos – Class of 2023

Many students choose to get graduation photos taken in the summer before Grade 12.  Information from Flewwelling Photography regarding summer photo sessions is found in this attachment: 

International Student Hosts

We are always looking for families interested in becoming hosts for our international students.  If you are interested in learning more about the program, the benefits, and the responsibilities please reach out to our Homestay Coordinator at

Published Date Only: 6/13/2022
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