Posts: Weekly Newsletter

3/29/2021 8:47 AM by Ashley.Vautour

Course Selections for next school year

Over the coming weeks, Homeroom teachers will be helping students with course selections for next year.  All of the materials can be found on the school website ( by selecting Course Registration 2021 from the menu bar at the top.  The registration forms for each grade level are ‘interactive.’  By hovering over the name of a course the description will appear.  As well, there are links built into the forms for videos created to further describe many of the elective courses.  We would encourage you to talk with your student(s) about their selections for next year. 

Registration forms should be returned to Homeroom teachers by April 9.  Teachers will then review the selections and help students complete the online registration process the following week.  If there are specific questions about post-secondary planning or graduation requirements student/families can always reach out to Guidance for support using the link on the school website.


Student Parking

We are lucky to have a small area owned by the school district which we are permitted to use for student parking.  It is important that students understand it is a privilege to have access to such an area – and that it must be used safely and respectfully.  Students who wish to use this area must return the attached form:  Student Parking Form.pdf 

With all students returning on April 12th it is very important that students understand that once the spots are filled, they must use on street parking.  No other student parking is permitted on school property.



Parent-Teacher meetings will once again be held through Microsoft Teams.  They will take place on Tuesday, April 13 (4:00 – 7:00pm) and Wednesday, April 14 (9:00 – 11:30 am).  A link will be sent out next week for the registration site – and it will also be posted to the school website.

Published Date Only: 3/29/2021
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